Vlc media player loop part of video
Vlc media player loop part of video

vlc media player loop part of video vlc media player loop part of video

The Lua script is going to be made of 2 functions. To the URL of the corresponding Google Video Playlist file which is Let's say that we want VLC to open Google Video links automatically. Simple Examples URL translation What we want to do You can add your own Lua playlist scripts in this directory or in your VLC's preferences folder "lua/playlist" subdirectory on Windows or Mac OS X and in your local VLC shared data folder on Linux (~/.local/share/vlc/lua/playlist). on Mac OS X.C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\playlist\ on Windows.Lua playlist scripts shipped with VLC are stored in the following directory: Text playlist parsing: You use some custom text playlist format.URL translation: You give it the youtube webpage URL and VLC starts playing the corresponding video.

vlc media player loop part of video

Starting with version 0.9.0, VLC gives you the possible to implement your own playlist loading modules easily.

Vlc media player loop part of video